Associate Professor Katharine Trenholme

Associate Professor Katharine Trenholme is a Senior Research Fellow at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research.
She has a PhD in the field of malaria cell biology from the University of Glasgow and an MSc in Applied Parasitology and Medical Entomology from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
Her research focuses on identification of novel intervention points in the malaria parasite life cycle and the application of rational drug discovery approaches.
This includes the development of new research tools and the translation of fundamental biological research into new interventions to treat malaria and block malaria transmission.
Specific research areas include the pathway of haemoglobin degradation by intraerythrocytic stages of P.falciparum and gametocytogenesis as a potential therapeutic target for transmission blocking strategies in P falciparum.
She is also a key member of a Brisbane based team undertaking experimental human malaria infection studies.