Professor Jason Roberts (NHMRC Practitioner Fellow)

Prof Jason Roberts is a consultant clinical pharmacist with a strong interest in improving outcomes for infected difficult to treat patients.
He has a strong interest in clinical and research mentoring and enjoys the opportunity to interact with many like-minded people to share ideas on how to best treat infections in difficult-to-treat patients like the critically ill.
Jason’s research skills lie in study design and analysis, including clinical trials.
He has a specific interest in population pharmacokinetic modelling and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling.
He works at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in the Intensive Care Unit and in the Pharmacy Department and works academically at The University of Queensland as Director of the Centre for Translational Anti-infective Pharmacodynamics (School of Pharmacy) and as a Theme Leader in the Burns Trauma and Critical Care Research Centre (School of Medicine).
He is also Director of NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence REDUCE.