Dr Ross McGeary

Primary research interest
Synthesis, methodology, and medicinal chemistry
Lab website
About me
After completing my PhD at Monash University I spent two years in the University Chemical Laboratories in Cambridge, UK, working with Professor Andrew Holmes. On returning to Australia I worked at the Centre for Drug Design and Development (now part of the IMB at UQ) and then in the School of Pharmacy (UQ). In late 2002 I took up joint positions in the School of Pharmacy (Health Faculty) and the School of Molecular and Microbial Science. In 2006 I was promoted to Senior Lecturer in the School of Chemistry & Molecular Biosciences (Science Faculty) and in 2010 was promoted to Associate Professor.
Research focus and collaborations
My research interests lie in the areas of biological and medicinal chemistry, and synthetic methodology. One area of my research is aimed at understanding the molecular mechanisms by which small molecules can act as enzyme inhibitors. I am also designing and executing new synthetic methodologies for organic chemistry. Past work has examined the synthesis of melanin analogs and fluorolipids. There is a strong focus in my work on interdisciplinary science in which synthetic chemistry makes key contributions. Enzyme inhibitors We have an active, multidisciplinary research program looking into the binuclear metallo-enzymes purple acid phosphatase (PAP) and metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL). In collaboration with Drs Gahan, Schenk and Guddat in this School, and Professor David Ollis at the ANU, we are using a combination of enzyme kinetics, protein crystallography, fragment-based screening, computer-aided design and synthetic chemistry to prepare and assay potent inhibitors of these enzymes. New synthetic methodology Recent work in this area has focussed on new approaches to the Claisen rearrangement using rate-enhancing substituents and using metals to accelerate this reaction.
Funded projects
- NHMRC Project Grant 2010-2012, Metallo-beta lactamases: predicting and combating antibiotic resistance, G Schenk, R McGeary, M Schembri, Total value of grant: $511,500
- ARC Discovery Project 2009-2011, Structure-based design of anti-osteoporotic drug leads: an integrated approach, G Schenk, R McGeary, L Guddat, L Gahan, Total value of grant: $350,000
Teaching interests
Organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, synthetic chemistry.
- CHEM1010: Fundamentals of Chemistry
- CHEM1022: Chemistry for the Health Professions
- CHEM3001: Advanced Organic Chemistry
- PHRM2040: Drug Discovery A1
Achievements and awards
- Chemistry Major Convenor
- Chemistry Honours Director
- Australian Regional Editor: Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
- Editorial Board Member: Current Medicinal Chemistry
- Editorial Board Member: Medicinal Chemistry
- Editorial Board Member: The Open Medicinal Chemistry Journal
- Fellow, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Featured publications
- McGeary, Ross P., Schenk, Gerhard and Guddat, Luke W. (2014) The applications of binuclear metallohydrolases in medicine: recent advances in the design and development of novel drug leads for purple acid phosphatases, metallo-beta-lactamases and arginases. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 76 132-144. doi:10.1016/j.ejmech.2014.02.008
- Vella, Peter, Miraula, Manfredi, Phelan, Emer, Leung, Eleanor W. W., Ely, Fernanda, Ollis, David L., McGeary, Ross P., Schenk, Gerhard and Mitić, Nataša (2013) Identification and characterization of an unusual metallo-beta-lactamase from Serratia proteamaculans. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 18 7: 855-863. doi:10.1007/s00775-013-1035-z
- Feder, Daniel, Hussein, Waleed M., Clayton, Daniel J., Kan, Meng-Wei, Schenk, Gerhard, McGeary, Ross P. and Guddat, Luke W. (2012) Identification of purple acid phosphatase inhibitors by fragment-based screening: promising new leads for osteoporosis therapeutics. Chemical Biology and Drug Design, 80 5: 665-674. doi:10.1111/j.1747-0285.2012.12001.x
- Hussein, Waleed M., Fatahala, Samar S., Mohamed, Zainab M., McGeary, Ross P., Schenk, Gerhard, Ollis, David L. and Mohamed, Mosaad S. (2012) Synthesis and kinetic testing of tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione and pyrrole derivatives as inhibitors of the metallo-β-lactamase from Klebsiella pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Chemical Biology and Drug Design, 80 4: 500-515. doi:10.1111/j.1747-0285.2012.01440.x
- Schenk, Gerhard, Mitić, Nataša, Gahan, Lawrence R., Ollis, David L., McGeary, Ross P. and Guddat, Luke W. (2012) Binuclear metallohydrolases: Complex mechanistic strategies for a simple chemical reaction. Accounts of Chemical Research, 45 9: 1593-1603. doi:10.1021/ar300067g